

The Okunmesee Family, a prominent family within the Leshie Division, carries a rich but fragmented history. Unfortunately, much of its past remains undocumented, and oral accounts have significant gaps, likely due to the absence of witnesses to fill these voids. This attempt to reconstruct the family’s history is meant not only to preserve what is known but also to invite critiques, contributions, and corrections to achieve a more comprehensive narrative

The origins of the Okunmesee Family trace back to a notable woman from the Akunmaje division of the Ga Mashi State. This woman became the first wife of the inaugural Fetish Priest of La Kpa. Historically, she was also the first to hold the title Afiefye, a designation given to the wives of subsequent fetish priests.

When this Afiefye moved to her marital home in La, she was accompanied by her brother, Tetteh Ganaa, who eventually established the Nii Tetteh Ganaa We lineage. After settling in La, Tetteh Ganaa was joined by his elder brother, Lartey Odankwa, who sought to reunite with his family. Both brothers were graciously accommodated by the traditional authorities of La and settled in their current locations.

The brothers brought with them a protective deity named Okunme. This deity was placed near the home of their sister, the Afiefye, and her husband, the La Kpa Wulɔmɔ (Fetish Priest). The proximity of the brothers’ residences to the shrine of Okunme inspired the name Okunmesee, meaning “at the back of the Okunme shrine.”

The brothers also had a sister married to a fisherman from Apam who lived at a place near Bortor Beach. This area was reportedly dangerous, with wild animals such as hyenas and snakes. Concerned for their sister’s safety, the brothers persuaded her husband to relocate closer to their home. The fisherman complied and established his household between the homes of the two brothers. His descendants, along with those of his wife, now form part of the Apai Tse We lineage within the Okunmesee Family.

The Okunmesee Family’s legacy is deeply intertwined with the history of La and its traditional leadership. This narrative, though incomplete, celebrates the resilience and unity of the family across generations. It is hoped that this account will spark further discussions, memories, and additions to create a fuller picture of the family’s remarkable journey.

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